郑志明 教授 (Prof. ZHENG Zhiming)
Prof. ZHENG Zhiming is the mastery in the interdisciplinary field of mathematics and information, and he engages in the research of blockchain, new generation of cryptograph, key technologies and equipment of high-performance aeronautics and astronautics cryptograph, artificial intelligence and complex information system theory and application; Currently he is the deputy director of the Academic Committee of Beihang University, the director of the state key laboratory of software development environment, the director of the key laboratory of mathematics, information and behavior of the Ministry of Education, and the director of the international research center for complex systems and scientific computing of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. He was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017. -
陈清泉 教授
1997年获选中國工程院院士、前后获选英国皇家工程院士、匈牙利工程院荣誉院士、乌克兰工程院院士、香港工程科学院院士暨特别顾问。现任香港大學荣誉教授及原電機電子工程系講座教授及系主任。世界电动车协会创始主席、国际院士科创中心创始人。荣获世界工程师组织联盟杰出工程师勋章、英国皇家工程院菲利普亲王勋章、中国工程院光华工程奖、英国电机工程师学会国际演讲勋章、美国电机电子工程师学会交通技术勋章、香港特区政府银紫荆勋章、香港工程师学会最高荣誉金勋章等。《亚洲新闻》评为亚洲最佳创新者、期刊Global View誉为“亚洲电动车之父”、在印度获“电动汽车技术之祖”称号。他积累了50多年的教学、科研和工业经验,任國內外多所著名大学的名譽或客座教授, 政府顾问,国内外著名企业科技战略顾问或独立董事。主要研究领域包括先进电机驱动、电动汽车、智慧能源、四网四流(能源、信息、交通、人文)融合的工程哲学和关键技术,著有四百五十多篇學術論文、十七本专著, 获十項專利。 第十届全国政协委员、中国侨联顾问及中华海外联谊会名誉理事。澳门特区政府科技顾问;广东省政府专家咨询委员会委员。
Prof. C. C. Chan holds BSc, MSc, PhD, HonDSc, HonDTech degrees. Honorary Professor and Former Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. Founder of Academician C.C. Chan International Science and Technology Innovation Centre. Visiting Professor of MIT, University of Cambridge, etc. Founding President of the World Electric Vehicle Association. Senior Consultant to governments, Strategic Adviser or Independent Director of public companies and industries. Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ukraine Academy of Engineering Sciences, Honorary Fellow of Hungarian Academy of Engineering, Fellow and Senior Advisor of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, Fellow of IEEE, IET and HKIE. Recipient of the Royal Academy of Engineering Prince Philip Medal, Chinese Academy of Engineering Guang-Hua Prize, World Federation of Engineering (WFEO) Medal of Engineering Excellence, Silver Bauhinia Star Medal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Gold Medal of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, IEEE Transportation Technologies Award, IEE International Lecture Medal, “Asia’s Best Technology Pioneers” by Asiaweek, “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles” by Magazine Global View, “Pitamaha (Grandfather) of Electric Vehicle Technology” in India, “Environmental Excellence in Transportation Award” by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). His major research field includes the philosophy and technologies of electric vehicles, intelligent energy systems, the integration of four systems namely transportation, energy, information and humanity, and the integration of four flows, namely energy, information, material and value. Published 17 books, over 450 technical papers and holds 10 patents. -
陈世卿 博士
Dr. CHEN Steve
研发了世界上第一台科学用的并行向量超级计算机;研发了使用通用型64-256 CPU企业用高性能计算机;研发了世界第一台128超级刀片计算机;研发了世界上第一个以互联网为基础、应用对应用、动态的、效率高的企业协同作业中间软件TONBU, 研发了世界上第一个以超级计算机为基础、全球联网形成类似电力网格的信息网格。美国国家工程院和美国艺术与科学院两院院士;美国第三脑研究院院长;中国广东省智能终端工业设计研究院首席科学家;中国清华大学脑与认知科学研究院首席科学家;中国深圳人工智能与机器人研究院主任研究员。
Dr. Steve S. Chen is a member of U.S. National Academy of Engineering and member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is recognized throughout the high performance and high productivity computing industry as a leader, visionary, entrepreneur, and premier system architect. During 1970’s, Dr. Chen participated in the product development of BSP16-way parallel array processors attached to Burroughs mainframe B7900 systems for large commercial and scientific/engineering applications, as well as special dedicated array processors for 3D medical imaging systems. During 1980’s, Dr. Chen led the product development of the world’s first and most commercially successful parallel vector supercomputers, Cray XMP/4 and Y-MP/8 for advanced science and engineering applications in aerospace, automobile, petroleum, electronic, biomedical, energy, chemical, material, defense, weather forecast and natural disaster prediction etc. During 1990’s, Dr. Chen led the product development of medium range 8-way to large 256-way highly parallel Sequent computer systems for commercial applications in healthcare, education, culture, entertainment, logistics, commerce, telecom and financial services, etc. During 2000’s, Dr. Chen pioneered the product development of the world’s first 128blade high productivity supercomputer system, leading the new wave of industry standard blade servers manufactured by global hardware system vendors e.g. IBM, HP, SUN and DELL; Dr. Chen also pioneered the product development of the world’s first web-centric collaboration middleware for Northrop Grumman and Acer, leading the new wave of industry standard collaboration middleware produced by global software vendors e.g. ORACLE, SAP, PTC and Microsoft. In addition, Dr. Chen pioneered and built China’s first Cloud-based National Collaborative Healthcare System at four trial sites in farming, rural and ethnic minority regions. He also led the 3rd Brain Research Institute’s human-machine interaction R/D for highly efficient human learning and reasoning software products in languages and mathematics. During 2010’s, Dr. Chen pioneered the product development of the world’s first Information Utility Supergrid technology with unique distributed, parallel and collaborative supercomputing system architecture, OS, devices and platforms to deliver Cloud-based highly trusted, secure, efficient, scalable and cost effective services in leading edge social, economics, science and engineering applications which were not solvable or affordable before. Dr. Chen has many patents and broad experience in R/D collaboration and technology commercialization with many multinational companies and governments in U.S., Europe, Asia and China. He was referenced in March 28, 1988 Time Magazine cover story, and Harvard business school case study. -
董家鸿 教授
Prof. DONG Jiahong
Dr. Jiahong Dong is Professor, Dean of the School of Clinical Medicine, President of Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, Tsinghua University. He is a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as the President of Chinese Medical Doctor Association (CMDA). Dr. Dong has made remarkable achievements in hepatobiliary surgery, especially in the management of complex biliary diseases. He was the first to propose the concept of “precision surgery” worldwide and has been endeavored in establishing the surgical paradigm and technological system ever since. The proposal of “precision liver surgery” in 2006 ushered a paradigm shift from conventional experience-based surgery to modern precision surgery. Dr. Dong innovatively applied the precision surgery to intrahepatic bile duct diseases and successfully changed the treatment paradigm from symptom alleviation to complete cure. He refined the strategy of liver transplantation using the paradigm of precision surgery and largely improved the treatment of the end-stage hepatobiliary diseases, and also achieved a great success in the extracorporeal liver resection and auto-transplantation, which successfully avoided the allograft transplantation and life-long immunosuppressant therapy. For his outstanding contribution in hepatobiliary surgery, Dong was awarded the 2nd class prize of the National Award of Science and Technology Progress as the first contributor and the 1st class prize of the National Award of Science and Technology Progress as co-director. Dr. Jiahong Dong’s respected and active roles in the academic community include the standing committee member of the Chinese Medical Association (CMA) Surgery Branch and the Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, Chief of the CMA Biliary Surgery Branch, Chairman of the Liver Tumor Branch of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health care (CPAM), and the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery. He has been awarded the honorary foreign academician of French National Academy of Surgery (FAS), honorary fellow of American Surgical Association (ASA), honorary fellow of European Surgical Association (ESA), and the Surgical Section Chairman of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO). -
Prof. José M. F. Moura
美国国家工程院院士、美国国家发明学院院士、葡萄牙科学院院士、IEEE院士,现任IEEE董事,2019年IEEE会长(President & CEO);他的发明专利被用在30多亿个磁盘驱动器中,占据了过去12年里全球范围内售出的计算机的60%以上;
José M. F. Moura is the Philip L. and Marsha Dowd University Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, with the Electrical and Computer Engineering and, by courtesy, the BioMedical Engineering. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineers, Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors, a corresponding member of the Portugal Academy of Science, an IEEE Fellow, and Fellow of the AAAS. He is the 2020 IEEE Past President, was the IEEE President and CEO (2019), the IEEE Technical Activities Vice-President (2016), and has been a Member of the IEEE Board of Directors. He served in several other capacities including IEEE Division IX Director, member of several IEEE Boards, President of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), and Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions in Signal Processing. The technology of two of his patents are in about three billion disk drives read channel chips of 60% of all computers sold in the last 13 years worldwide.
陈晓禾 教授
Prof. CEHN Xiaohe
中科院苏州医工所 电子技术研究室主任; 中科院“百人计划”研究员,博导; IEEE消费类健康设备联盟秘书长; 科技部重点专项评审专家; 国家药监局审评中心委员; 教育部学位委员会评审专家; 中国通信学会委员; 中国电子学会委员; IEEE EMC 技术委员会委员; 无线电干扰委员会委员 -
褚晓文 教授
Prof. CHU Xiaowen
香港浸会大学计算机科学系任正教授,香港浸会大学高性能计算中心主任,香港浸会大学区块链与金融科技实验室主任,香港浸会大学高性能机器学习实验室主任,中国通信学会区块链委员会副主任委员。褚博士的主要科学研究领域包括分布式系统,高性能计算,GPU计算,计算机网络,深度学习系统,以及区块链系统等。褚博士的科研工作得到香港大学教育资助委员会,香港创新及科技基金,深圳市科技研发资金,以及诸多知名企业的资助,作为项目第一负责人承担科研经费总额愈1700万港币,已发表学术论文180余篇。褚博士担任或曾担任国际期刊IEEE Access以及IEEE Internet of Things Journal的编辑委员会成员,以及IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 等国际期刊的客座编辑委员。 -
傅晓岚 教授
Prof. FU Xiaolian
牛津大学社会科学领域首位大陆华人终身教授,牛津大学技术管理发展中心 (Technology and Management Centre for Development) 创始主任 (Founding Director),国际发展系教授 ,技术和国际发展研究专家,格林坦普顿 (Green Templeton) 学院会士 (Governing Body Fellow),剑桥大学和清华大学高级客座研究员, 复旦大学和中国社会科学院客座教授。同时,她还担任《中国经济与商务研究》(JCEBS) 期刊主编,以及《牛津发展研究》(Oxford Development Studies),《产业和公司变化》(Industrialand Corporate Change),《国际技术管理》(International Journal of Technology Management)和其他四个国际期刊的编辑委员会成员,2015年,被联合国秘书长潘基文亲自聘请为“联合国可持续发展技术促进机制十人顾问小组”成员,是全球学界唯一代表。
Xiaolan Fu (傅晓岚) is the Founding Director of the Technology and Management Centre for Development (TMCD), Professor of Technology and International Development and Fellow of Green Templeton College. She was appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Ten-Member High Level Advisory Group of the UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism and to the Governing Council of the UN's Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries. She is also a member of the UN SDSN Leadership Council led by Jeffrey Sachs and a member of the Council for Global Economic Transformation co-chaired by Joseph Stiglitz and Michael Spence. Her research interests include innovation, technology and industrialisation; trade, foreign direct investment and economic development; emerging Asian economies; innovation and productivity in the UK/US. She has published extensively in leading international journals independently or in collaboration with others. Her recent books include Innovation under the Radar (forthcoming), China's Path to Innovation, China’s Role in Global Economic Recovery and The Rise of Technological Power in the South. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, and serves on the editorial boards of Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Technology Management, and four other international journals. Professor Fu has received large research grants from funding bodies that include the European Commission, ESRC, EPSRC, British Academy, DFID, and the Cairncross Foundation. She also received the European Commission EFMD Gate2Growth 2005 'European Best Paper' Award, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012 Outstanding Paper Award, and European Association of Management (EURAM) annual conference Innovation Strategic Interest Group 2017 Best Paper Award. She has been a consultant for UNDESA, UNCTAD, UNIDO, the World Bank, the OECD, the European Commission, the ILO, the Commonwealth Secretariat, UKTI and the Chinese government. Professor Fu serves on the Advisory Expert Group of the OECD Global Investment Forum and the DFID/ESRC Economic Growth Directorate (DEGP), and was President of the Chinese Economic Association (Europe) and CEA (UK) in 2010-11. She currently serves on the Management Committee of the Oxford University China Centre. She is also a Senior Research Associate at the University of Cambridge and University of Tsinghua, and a Visiting Professor at Fudan University. As a leading China expert, she has participated in various media interviews and panel discussions including for the BBC, Sky News, CCTV, CGTN, People's Daily, and China Daily. In 2014 she was invited to address the UN General Assembly on ‘Science, technology and innovation in developing countries’. Professor Fu came to Oxford from Cambridge University, where she was a Senior Research Fellow. Before coming to the UK, she had five years’ work experience in the business sector in China before embarking on her academic career. -
Mr. Bruce Kraemer
Past President of IEEE-SA and has been involved in a wide range of International Groups including: SDOs (ITU-T, ITU-R, ETSI, IEEE, ISO/IEC JTC1, IETF, CESI, CCSA, CNIS), Smart Grid (NIST SGIP, P2030 in SCC21, OpenSG), SSOs (Bluetooth, WBA, FMCA, ZigBee Alliance, ACM), and in Wi-Fi Alliance he Chaired Long Range Planning, Spectrum Sharing, Power Consumption, VC Regulatory TG, and was WFA Board Vice Chair and Treasurer. As a member of the IEEE for more than 30 years, Bruce Kramer has a wealth of knowledge in multiple industries including semiconductors, developing standards and more. -
侯锐 研究员
Prof. HOU Rui
中国科学院信息工程研究所研究员,博导,信息安全国家重点实验室副主任, 基金委优青。主要研究方向包括处理器芯片设计与安全、AI芯片安全与数据隐私,以及数据中心服务器等领域。哈尔滨工程大学兼职教授,通信学会区块链专委会副主任。先后主持或参与国家自然基金、科学院战略先导等多项重大项目。长期从事国产自主可控高性能处理器芯片的研制开发,主持、参与了多款芯片的设计开发工作。侯锐在国内外期刊及会议上发表论文40余篇,包括ACM TOCS、HPCA,ASPLOS,S&P等多个体系结构和安全领域顶级会议及期刊,国内外授权专利60余项。曾作为技术委员会或组织委员会委员服务多个国际顶级学术会议,担任Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing编委 -
黄震 教授
Prof. HUANG Zhen
中央财经大学教授,金融法研究所所长,中国互联网金融创新研究院院长,北京市互联网金融行业协会首席经济学家。兼任国家互联网金融安全技术委员会专家委员、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院高级研究员、深圳证券交易所博士后指导老师。主要研究领域为金融科技、互联网金融和金融法。 -
金键 教授
Prof. JIN Jian
Jian Jin, Ph.D., professor-level senior engineer of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), director of Institute of Industrial Internet & Internet of Things, former deputy director and deputy chief engineer of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). He is an expert of the Advisory Group of Experts of Legal Identification Management and Key Technology Research and Application Demonstration from the 13th Five-Year plan National Science and Technology Support Program, deputy chairman of the National Engineering Laboratory for Multi-dimensional Identification and Trusted Authentication Technology (IDNEL), expert of the National Science and Technology Expert Database of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, expert of China patent examination technology of the National Intellectual Property Administration, deputy director of the Blockchain Special Committee of the China Institute of Communications. -
刘权 教授
Prof. LIU Quan
刘权,男,博士,正高级工程师,目前在中国电子信息产业发展研究院工作,任网络安全研究所所长、赛迪区块链研究院院长 中国电子认证服务产业联盟秘书长,主要从事信息化、信息安全、区块链、电子认证发展规划、战略研究等,大部分研究成果已经被相关部门采纳,形成了政府文件。
Liu Quan, male, Ph. D., senior engineer, currently working in CCID thinktank of MIIT, as the Director for Institute of Information Security, the Director for Institute of Block Chain,secretary-general of China Electronic Authentication Industry Alliance, mainly engaged in informatization, information security, Block Chain, electronic certification development planning, strategy research, most of his research results have been adopted by relevant departments in developing government documents. -
亓峰 教授
Prof. QI Feng
北京邮电大学二级教授,长期从事网络与数据管理方面的教学、科研和标准化工作。获国家科技进步奖2项,省部级科技进步奖10余项。主持编写10余项ITU-T国际标准和多项行业标准。历任ITU-T第4研究组和第12研究组副主席、 ITU-T一致性评估指导委员会专家、中国通信学会青年工作委员会主任委员、全国区块链和分布式记账技术标准化技术委员会委员、中国通信学会区块链专委会委员。获第八届中国青年科技奖;入选“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选;获北京市“五四奖章”。 -
Dr. Ramesh Ramadoss
IEEE 区块链全球计划联席主席; Dr Ramesh Ramadoss is an entrepreneur, researcher, author, and international speaker based in Silicon Valley. He is the Founder & President of BitCasas Inc., which is building a cross-border investment platform fuelled by tokenization of mortgage loans backed by US Real Estate. He is a co-chair of the IEEE Blockchain Initiative. He is the chair of the IEEE Blockchain Standards Working Group. -
杨斌 博士
Prof. YANG Bin
杨斌博士,清华大学网络行为研究所副所长,清华大学精准医学研究院智慧健康中心主任。 致力于研究社会治理以及网络治理中的体系结构以及产业生态问题,在产业互联网、智慧社区、智慧医疗、智慧政务、网络治理、信息安全等领域主持和参与过多个国家级项目的规划及实施,在健康监测管理、远程医学救援、智慧医疗服务、重大活动保障方面已经形成了大量的应用成果。 -
袁昱 博士
袁昱博士是消费技术、交通出行、智能物联、数字转型等领域富有远见的科学家、发明人和创业者。他目前作为创始人或合伙人,正领导若干企业在广泛的高科技领域致力于知识产权挖掘、生产、交易以及由此衍生和支撑的产业服务,并且在虚拟现实、增强现实、人类增强等方向深耕,进行前瞻性的技术积累和产业布局。袁博士在IEEE等专业技术组织担任了多个领导职务。他在IEEE标准活动的不同层级(标准工作组、标准委员会、标准协会和技术理事会)的杰出服务获得了标准开发者、个人和企业会员的广泛认可。袁博士也是在区块链国际标准上全球最具影响力和话语权的人。他于2018年12月发起成立了IEEE在区块链领域的第一个获得授权对标准工作组和标准项目进行归口主管的标准委员会,也是目前全球最大的区块链国际标准制定机构——IEEE消费技术协会区块链标准委员会(CES/BSC)。IEEE超过三分之二的区块链标准项目都在CES/BSC旗下。袁博士还是IEEE技术理事会标准指导委员会委员、IEEE消费技术标准理事会主席、IEEE虚拟现实与增强现实标准委员会主席、IEEE光电标准委员会副主席、美国国家科学院TRB常设委员会委员、欧盟ARETE顾问委员会委员、以色列经济与产业部特聘导师。 -
朱皞罡 教授
Prof. ZHU Haogang